A number of weeks ago I took a prayer drive around Fort Worth and was deeply grieved at the amount of brokenness I saw and interacted with; no one was exempt. People from every nation and from every economic class are suffering in ways seen and unseen. As I observed the city I instantly felt a rollercoaster of emotion. I was angry at God, I was sad and I was overwhelmed. God has called me to this city to proclaim his grace, mercy, and justice in the name that's above every name, Jesus. But as I looked around I saw a task way to big for me to handle. I indicted God of abandonment and was confused as to how to handle it.
Photo by Arrangements-Photography/iStock / Getty Images
But by God's grace, he led me to Micah 6:1-8 and recalibrated my thinking. He called me to remember his past works. How he cared for Israel, even in the direst circumstances. He reminded me that in the midst of all the pain, he was working. He reminded me that I was never sent here to be an answer to the brokenness of the city. But that Jesus is the answer to the cities needs. He reminded me that he never abandoned this city, but that he has boots on the ground, including mine.
God has called my friend Eric and I to plant a Jesus exalting church in this city. And We need your help.
This is a covenant call to prayer! I need your prayer! We need your prayer!
Would you consider interceding on our behalf as we endeavor to follow all that God has for us in this city?
Things to pray for:
- Pray that we can maintain family health as planting can be a strain on families (especially families with kids)
- Pray that we would gain favor with the people of our communities
- Pray God would send us the RIGHT people to help launch this new work
- Pray that God would send us an army of "doers" eager for the task at hand
- Pray for the logistics and planning
Thank you for praying for this new work and feel free to email me if you want to know more about what God is doing here in Fort Worth.