Diana and I would like to express our most sincere thanks to all who have sought to bless our family during our time of transition. It has been humbling to see God’s people at work!
Here is an update for those who would like to know where we stannd.
All set (We have been blessed to receive these items or promised to receive them)
Bunk Bed
Car transportation
Thank you to all who helped us with these things!!!
Prayer Requests (Material needs)
God to provide a 2nd part time job for Kaynenn that can provide for our HEALTH INSURANCE, utilities, groceries and also not sacrifice too much time away from home
Diana to find per diem work
To obtain a used car in good condition (+ Insurance)
Grocery gift cards (Kroger, Walmart, Sam’s Club, BJ’s, Gas)
Any financial gifts are also welcome
Prayer Requests (Emotional/Spiritual/Providential needs)
For Diana's heart while parting from friends and family ; uprooting again
Travel mercies to DFW
Safety/protection as we transition into new neighborhood and environment
For our family to be a light in our neighborhood
God to begin working on the hearts of the people we will encounter and seek to minister to
God to send like minded/burdened workers to pray for and begin this ministry
Our desire is to continue homeschooling, but wisdom is needed with all these changes; to recognize if the Lord is leading us to sending our children to school instead
Again, we want to express our sincere thanks to all those who have blessed us over the past few months.
May the Lord richly bless your sacrifice as you give to servants who are trying to follow His leading!