As I was reading through my devotionals tonight I came across a very interesting text. In Genesis 20 we have King Abimelech, who has just recently taken Abraham’s wife, Sarah, to be his own wife. He did so thinking that Abraham and Sarah was brother and sister, for Abraham and Sarah told partial truth about their relationship. They did so because Abraham thought that there was no fear of God in the King’s land and that the king would kill him just to have the chance to marry Sarah, for she was beautiful.
God tells King Abimelech in a dream that Abraham and Sarah are really husband and wife. Abimelech, fearing the Lord, pleaded his case that he took Sarah innocently not knowing she was a married woman. The Lord responds by telling the King that He knows that he acted in the “integrity” of his heart in taking her to be his wife.
- God’s sovereignty is so incomprehensible that we don’t even perceive Him restraining us from sin.
- God’s providence is so stealthy that we feel as if our decisions are independent of God, yet verses like this show us that they are simply a part of His divine plan.
Read the passage and let God's Word seep into your pours. Its truly amazing to learn about our God!
Jude 24 "Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of His glory with great joy, to the only God, our savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever more. Amen."