Yo, its been several months since my last public communication to you. God has been doing some fantastic things that I want you all to know about! The main thing being...
Kaynenn leading the set-up team in prayer before the info/prayer meeting.
Derek Carson discussing multi-ethnicity with the gathering.
We had our first Pillar church info/prayer meeting on August 5th, 2018. This was a big day for us seeing that it was almost exactly one year away from our projected target launch date. We had 88 people in attendance! This was a wonderful time of info sharing, mixing and praying. We walked the people through the history of how all of this came to be. We were then lead in a time of prayer followed by a group mixer, where people got to meet each other (many for the first time) and share their reasons for wanting to be a part of or in support of Pillar church. This was a cool night!
Community Partnerships
God has blessed our efforts to build relationships with local groups/institutions/non-profits and ISD organizations for the spread of Jesus's name in east Fort Worth. These groups have a pulse on our community and the resources to serve it. A few of the organizations we have relationships with are listed below.
- Newman Acadamy (title I elementary school)
- Scott D Moore Juvenile detention center
- Justin's Place (serving single moms their kids)
- The NET (serving those experiencing homelessness, sex trafficking and children)
- Community Frontline (community education, male community leadership)
- Traveling medical care (emergency room physician providing medical care in custom RV)
Scott D Moore Juvenile detention center in Fort Worth, TX
Over the last month, I have been blessed to teach character training and Bible studies for the youth locked-up in the Scott D Moore Juvenile Detention Center. These young men have incredible minds and a ton of potential to make a positive impact on their families and our community. Many of the youth that reside there are from east Fort Worth and are an extension of our community. On Wednesday, August 8th one young man asked me why he should care about a world that hates him? This young man's story would bring tears to the most reserved person eyes. He needs Jesus! They all need Jesus! And it's our duty and joy to share the good news and unrelenting love of Jesus with these young men. Please pray for me as I continue to shepherd them and invite them to our church family upon their release.
Since my last update, I have gained three new monthly supporters and have had a small handful of one time givers. Thank you all so much for your support. Your support is going toward Kingdom work here in Fort Worth. I am currently at 49% support for my 2 year goal. If the Lord is leading you to support the work of the ministry, please email me at Kaynenn.Parker@gmail.com, and I will be glad to send you instructions on how you can partner with us in this work!
Web Presence
As we work and nail down theological and philosophical direction for Pillar church, we will update our website Pillar.Church. Feel free to check it out from time to time to see whats new.
The Family
The Parker family will be welcoming a new addition to our home. Sarai and Mya's little sister should be making her grand entrance late November or early December. She is much anticipated by her big sisters, and we are all excited to meet her. Diana has been doing well, considering that a little person is zapping all of her energy all the time.
In June I was dealing with some heart issues that seemed to have been aggravated by acid reflux. I was experiencing heart palpitations that were aggressive and frequent. After a few trips to the ER and a phone call with a knowledgeable friend, I decided to see a cardiologist. All of my test results came back negative for anything serious. I went ahead and asked the elders of the Paradox church to pray for my healing and to anoint me with oil. I immediately experienced a reprieve from my symptoms. This was followed up with a prescription from the doctor. By God's grace, I haven't had an issue since!
A small group of church planters and I have the blessing of being trained on a weekly basis by the TBA. The information provided to us has been incredibly helpful to us as we develop our day to day operations, leadership principles and overall church culture. They play an instrumental role in helping us launch well.
We recently had a session on biblical counseling by Ryan Keeney of Grace church Benbrook (our soon to be sister church sent from the Paradox church). Ryan is gifted in the realm of biblical counseling and did a great job of walking us through how to apply the gospel to the heart.
At the end of August, I will be flying to Raleigh, North Carolina to begin my monthly cohort with Elliot Grudem and the Leaders collective. The Leaders Collective is a unique/rotating group for lead pastors and church planters that majors on the overall health of the Pastor/planter; because the healthy leaders lead healthy churches. They have a stellar reputation and receive incredible reviews from those who have gone through the cohort. I'm excited to start this process.
In October I will be flying to California to join Bryan Loritts and the Kainos Cohort. This is a several-day intensive, covering the best practices of building and sustaining a multiethnic congregation. There is more to developing and shepherding a multi-ethnic congregation than what meets the eye. Pastor Bryan has had much success in this as he is the former Pastor of Fellowship Memphis, a trailblazer in this area. He now pastors a church in California where I will be apart of a small group of 12 men who have been selected to participate in this rare opportunity. (I am being blessed by a fellow supporter who is covering the cost of this trip for the sake of the Gospel and east Fort Worth. Thank you!)
In November I will be flying to Chicago for the Christian Community Development Association conference. This group, of which I am now a part of, specializes in community engagement. I have dreamed of the day that the community I live in is transformed not only by economic investment but by the gospel. I share a heartbeat with this association, and I hope to build many new connections with the people I meet there. (I am being blessed by a fellow supporter who is covering the cost of this trip as well for the sake of the Gospel and east Fort Worth. Thank you!)
Prayer Requests
- Please pray for spiritual fruit from our community partnerships
- Please pray for my physical health as I seek to better my nutrition
- Please pray for our leadership team's plans and meetings as we plan for the work ahead
- Please pray for the health of our baby yet to be born
- Please pray I continue to build influence and trust in the community I have been sent to serve